Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Middle School Resources

Montana: Stories of the Land

Our middle school offerings are organized around the Montana: Stories of the Land textbook and the Montana: Stories of the Land Companion Website and Teacher's Guide. Purchase textbooks for your school or home school or use the material on the Montana: Stories of the Land Companion Website at no charge. The website includes PDFs of each chapter of the textbook, downloadable worksheets, Teaching with Historical Document units, and related lesson plans organized by chapter.

When looking for resources, make sure to explore the For Educators: Resources link in each chapter. To find resources that don't fit neatly into any particular era of Montana history (for example, National History Day, Digital Projects or interdisciplinary lesson plans), browse our main Resources for Educators page. Find Indian Education for All Lesson Plans here.

For a better understanding of what we have to offer, take a guided tour of our middle school resources and earn an OPI Renewal Unit: Part 1 and Part 2.