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Montana The Magazine of Western History


Jeff Bartos, Editor and Director of Publications
Cody Dodge Ewert, Associate Editor
Shannon Kelly, Associate Editor
Luke Duran, Graphic Designer
Business Manager, vacant

Editorial Board

Elise Boxer
Micah Chang
Michael Childers
Diana Di Stefano
Catharine Franklin
Mark Johnson
Renée Laegreid
Patrick Lozar
Polly E. Bugros McLean
Janet Ore
Charles E. Rankin
Lee H. Whittlesey
David Wrobel

MHS Director

Molly Kruckenberg

Montana The Magazine of Western History (ISSN 0026-9891) is published quarterly by the Montana Historical Society. Subscriptions are $40 per year or $75 for two years. Foreign orders add $15 per year for postage to subscription price in U.S. funds. Direct subscription and advertising questions to Business Manager and editorial correspondence to Editor, Publications, Montana Historical Society, 225 N. Roberts St., P.O. Box 201201, Helena, MT 59620-1201. Unsolicited manuscripts cannot be returned without return postage. Authors are responsible for the interpretation in their articles. Articles are abstracted and indexed in Historical Abstracts and America: History and Life, Santa Barbara, CA; Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Helena, MT and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Montana Historical Society, P.O. Box 201201, Helena, MT 59601.

Copyright Montana Historical Society.

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