Museum and Library & Archives reference room are closed for renovations. For more info, call (406) 444-2694.

Welcome to Montana SHPO

The Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) works together with all Montanans to promote the preservation of our state's historic and cultural places. From 10,000-year-old archaeological sites to 100-year-old homestead farms, a lot of history has unfolded beneath the big Montana sky. We encourage people across the state to identify, document, recognize, and protect the heritage sites of Montana, preserving our rich cultural landscape for generations to come. 


Explore the National Register page to find:

  • Nominations Under Review
  • Recent Listings and Awards
  • Listed Property Finding Aids
  • Property Research Resources
  • How to nominate a property for listing

Historic private residential or commercial building preservation funding opportunities are limited, and SHPO does not administer any grant programs for these types of properties. We recommend exploring the Preservation Funding tab at the bottom of this page.

Commercial properties eligible for or listed in the National Register may qualify for the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Credit.

Communities certified through the Certified Local Government (CLG) program, may have access to funds for local preservation projects. For more information about the Certified Local Government program or to pursue certification for your community, please visit the National Park Service CLG homepage.

Explore the Historic Architecture page for resources or contact the Montana SHPO Historic Architecture Specialist to learn more about: 

  • Standards for Historic Building Rehabilitation
  • Economics of adapting a historic building for reuse
  • Treatment of historic building materials 
  • Use of historically appropriate modern materials
  • Rehabilitation of historic interior finishes
  • Preservation tax incentives and covenants


If you are a federal or state agency working with historic properties or a private property owner, company, or local government agency receiving a grant you may be asked to get a letter from the Montana SHPO concerning your project’s effect on cultural resources. Visit the Review and Compliance page to learn how to request a letter. 

Visit the Review and Compliance page to learn how to consult with SHPO and prepare documents.

Or, go directly to Submit and Access Data.

Finding a professional experienced in historic preservation and who meets requirements for federal programs can be challenging. SHPO maintains the following lists to help you search for quality and qualified architects, engineers, and trades people in Montana and the surrounding area.

We recommend you make inquiries regarding professional qualifications and check references as appropriate.

Skilled Trades and Architecture Professionals (PDF)

Cultural Resource Consulting Services: History and Archaeology (PDF)

NOTE: Individuals and firms included on the following lists enrolled via a public form provided by the Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Inclusion on this list does not represent a certification, endorsement, recommendation, or assumption of responsibility for the work of any consultant. There is no guarantee implicit or implied that any work product produced by those on this list will meet federal or state requirements. 


If you think you have found human remains, a burial site, or funerary objects you are required by law to contact the local coroner and/or the State Archaeologist (444-7719). Learn more about unmarked human remains and buried / marked remains or cemeteries

If you find an artifact or fossil . . .

DO leave the artifact in place. Remember, this artifact has likely been in this place for years…sometimes thousands of years. Under no circumstances does it need you to remove it from its location, even if you are taking it to the proper authorities. Taking human remains or artifact associated with a human burial is disrespectful to the people who left it behind or their descendants and may be illegal.

DO contact the landowner to report your findings. Except for human remains and burial objects, artifacts belong to the landowner. Not all artifacts need to be reported, but if you find something on land you do not own that you want to make sure archaeologist know about, contact the landowner before doing anything else.

DO report human remains, unmarked burial sites, and burial objects. Artifacts left with a human burial or human remains cannot be “owned,” are not property abandoned, and therefore are not owned by the land owner. 

DO document your finding location and take photos when reporting the discovery.

DO NOT share the location of your discovery on social media.

Jessica Bush
State Archaeologist
Phone: (406) 444-0388



Volunteer! Help in the SHPO office, work on a restoration project, or participate in an archaeological “dig.” Reach out to to express your interest.

Donate! Select “State Historic Preservation Office” when you renew your MTHS membership or make a donation

Internships and Fellowships 

Job Opportunities

If you have an antique that you'd like to donate or learn how to preserve, visit this page or contact the Montana Museum Curatorial Office.

Programs & Services

The Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers eight programs to fulfill duties required by the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Montana State Antiquities Act, such as maintaining a statewide survey to identify and document historic buildings and archaeological sites, evaluating sites for eligibility and facilitating their nomination and listing in the National Register of Historic Places, assisting local governments in developing historic preservation programs, administering federal tax incentives for historic building rehabilitation, assisting federal and state agencies in their responsibilities to identify and protect cultural resources, providing preservation education, training and technical assistance, and preparing and implementing a statewide Historic Preservation Plan.

Projects & Products

Explore projects and products we’ve developed to inform and celebrate Montana’s diverse cultural resources and heritage. Through core programs, initiatives, and special projects we work to align our efforts with national priorities and statewide goals that consider sustainability, diversity/ equity/ inclusion, affordable housing, and preservation workforce cultivation in Montana.


Preservation Help

Phone: (406) 444-7715


Mailing Address:
225 N Roberts Ave
PO Box 201201
Helena, MT 59620-1201

Temporary Physical Address:
910 Helena Ave.
Helena, MT 59601

To reach current Montana Preservation Review Board Members, email to request contact information.

Current Board Members
(updated 1/2025)

  • CHRIS AVERILL- Historic Preservation, Public - East Helena - 9/2022 to 10/2027
  • LAURA EVILSIZER - History Professional - Helena - 12/2024 to 12/2028
  • PHILLIPE GONZALEZ - History Professional - Helena - 12/2024 to10/2028
  • Dr. DELIA HAGEN - History Professional - Missoula - 10/2020 to10/2028
  • MARVIN KELLER - Historic Preservation Professional - Billings - 10/2018 to 10/2026
  • ROSE KRIEG - Historic Preservation, Public - Butte - 12/2024 to 10/2027
  • KELLYANNE TERRY - Public - Lewistown - 5/2020 to 10/2027
  • MARY HORSTMAN WILLIAMS - History Professional - Hamilton - 12/2024 to 10/2026

For additional board, councils, and Commissions information, see:

Anaconda-Deer Lodge County

Gayla Hess
Historic Preservation Officer 
Anaconda–Deer Lodge County Planning Dept
800 Main St –
Anaconda, MT 59711
(406) 563-4012

Billings–Laurel-Yellowstone County-Crow Reservation
David Green
Historic Preservation Officer 
Yellowstone Historic Preservation Board
2825 3rd Ave N, 4th Fl. -
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 247-8666 

Preservation Programming:

Western Heritage Center
2822 Montana Ave –
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 256-6809


Sarah Rosenberg
Historic Preservation
20 East Olive St, PO Box 1230 -
Bozeman, MT 59771
(406) 582-2297

Butte - Silver Bow County

Kate McCourt
Historic Preservation Officer 
BSB Planning Dept. Rm 106
155 W Granite St –
Butte, MT 59701
(406) 497-6258

Carbon County

Becky Van Horn
Carbon County Preservation Officer
Carbon County Historical Society
PO Box 881 -
Red Lodge, MT 59068
(406) 446-3667

Columbus – Stillwater County

Penny Redli
Historic Preservation Officer 
Museum of the Beartooths
440 E 5th Ave N -
Columbus, MT 59019
(406) 322-4588

Deer Lodge

Jacque Lavelle
Historic Preservation Officer
Deer Lodge Historic Preservation Program
Deer Lodge City Hall
300 Main St -
Deer Lodge, MT59722

Great Falls – Cascade County

Samantha Long
Historic Preservation Officer 
City of Great Falls Planning and Community Development
#2 Park Dr S, Rm 112 -
Great Falls, MT 59403
(406) 455-8432

Hardin – Big Horn County

Mary Slattery

Historic Preservation Officer  
Big Horn Historical Preservation
PO Box 446 -
Hardin, MT 59034
(406) 629-0134

Havre – Hill County

Becki Miller
Historic Preservation Officer 
Havre/Hill County Historic Preservation Office
PO Box 324 –
Havre, MT 59501
(406) 376-3230 | Mobile: (406) 570-7105

Lewis and Clark County

Pamela J. Attardo

Heritage Preservation Officer
Lewis & Clark Co Heritage Tourism Council
316 N Park Ave -
Helena, MT 59623
(406) 447-8357 | (406) 447-8398 fax


Doug Osterman
Planning Director
City Office
305 W Watson -
Lewistown, MT 59457
(406) 535-1775


Jennifer Severson
Historic Preservation Officer 
Livingston Historic Preservation Commission
220 East Park Street
Livingston, MT 59047
(406) 222-4903 rcement/historic_preservation.php   

Miles City

Mary Rowe
Historic Preservation Officer (Acting)
PO Box 910 -
Miles City, MT 59301
(406) 874-8616


Elizabeth Johnson
Historic Preservation Officer 
City of Missoula
435 Ryman -
Missoula, MT 59802
(406) 552-6638

Virginia City

Eric Barsness
Historic Preservation Officer 
Virginia City Historic Preservation Office
311 Wallace St
PO Box 35 -
Virginia City, MT 59755-0035
(406) 843-5321 | (406) 843-5327 fax



PO Box 1027 - Fort Peck Agency - Poplar, MT 59255
THPO: Dyan Youpee, Phone: (406) 768-2382,

PO Box 850 - Browning, MT 59417
THPO: John Murray, (406) 338-7522,

656 Agency Main Street – Harlem, MT 59526
THPO: Michael J. Black Wolf, (406) 353-2295,

PO Box 159 - Crow Agency, MT 59022
THPO: Aaron B. Brien, Cell: (406) 679-2511, (406) 839-3817,

PO Box 128 - N. Cheyenne Agency - Lame Deer, MT 59043
THPO: Teanna Limpy, (406) 477-4839

Northern Cheyenne Tribal Archaeologist
Andrew J. Richard, (406) 548-4841,

9740 Upper Box Elder Rd. - Box Elder, MT 59521
THPO: Jonathan Windy Boy, (406) 395-4700,

PO Box 278 - Pablo, MT 59855
THPO: Kathryn McDonald, (406) 675-2700 x1077,

625 Central Ave West Suite 100 - Great Falls MT 59404
Gerald Grey, 406-315-2400,

Department of Commerce
Tash Wisemiller
Montana Main Street Coordinator
Community Development Division
Montana Department of Commerce
301 S. Park Avenue; P.O. Box 200523
Helena, MT 59620-0523
(406) 841-2756 Phone
Fax: (406) 841-2771 Fax

Montana Heritage Commission
101 Reeder's Alley
Helena MT 59601
(406) 449-7081
P.O. Box 338
Virginia City, MT 59755
(406) 843-5247

Department of Environmental Quality
James D. Strait
Tribal and Cultural Resources Officer
MFSA /UAV operations
Directors Office
1520 E. 6th Ave
PO Box 200901
Helena, MT 59620-0901
(406)444-6765 Office (406)475-5902 Cell

Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Patrick Rennie
DNRC Trust Lands Archaeologist
1625 11th Ave
Helena, MT 59620
(406) 444-2882

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Heritage Program
Fish Wildlife and Parks

Rachel Reckin, Heritage Specialist for Western Montana
PO Box 200701
Helena MT 59620-0701
(406) 444-3756  |

Brenna Moloney, Heritage Specialist for Eastern Montana
2300 Lake Elmo Drive
Billings MT 59105
(406) 594-4322  |

Montana Department of Transportation
2701 Prospect Ave
PO Box 202001
Helena, MT 59620-1001

Historian, Jon Axline
(406) 444-6358

Archaeologist, Laura Evilsizer 
(406) 444-0455

National Park Service

Yellowstone National Park
National Park Service
Cultural Resources
PO Box 168
Wyoming 82190
Beth Horton
(307) 344-2290

Glacier National Park
National Park Service
Cultural Resources Specialist
West Glacier, MT 59936
Sierra Mandelko
(406) 888-7943

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Zone Archaeologist, MT/UT/WY
Bozeman Fish Technology Center
4050 Bridger Canyon Road
Bozeman MT 59715
Allison Parrish
(406) 994-9949

Natural Resource Conservation Service

Archaeologist, Cultural Resource Specialist
10 East Babcock Street, Room 443
Bozeman, MT 59771
Andrew M. Williamson
(406) 587-6968 (Office)
(406) 595-6507 (Mobile)

Bureau of Indian Affairs

BIA Archaeologist
316 N 26th St
Billings MT 59107
Jo'etta Plumage
(406) 247-7911
Fax:(406) 247-7976

Bureau of Reclamation

BOR Montana Area Office Archaeologist

PO Box 30137
Billings, MT 59107
(406) 247-7666


Bureau of Land Management

5001 Southgate Drive
Billings MT 59107
(406) 896-5000

Butte Field Office Archaeologist
PO Box 3388
Butte, MT 59701
Chris Pettyjohn
(406) 533-7624

Missoula Field Office Archaeologist
3255 Fort Missoula
Missoula, MT 59804
Jody Miller
(406) 329-1058

Miles City Field Office Archaeologist
111 Garryowen Rd
Miles City, MT 59301
CJ Truesdale
(406) 233-2847

Billings Field Office Archaeologist
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings MT 59107
Jennifer Macy

North Central Montana District Archaeologist
Upper Missouri River Breaks National Monument
Lewistown, Malta, Glasgow Field Offices

3990 Highway 2 West
Havre, MT 59501
Josh Chase
406-262-2840 (office)

Dillon Field Office Archaeologist
1005 Selway Drive
Dillon, MT 59725
Shannon Gilbert
(406) 683-8029

BLM Office of Law Enforcement
Alan Wolf
Assistant Special Agent in Charge
5001 Southgate Drive
Billings, MT 59101

Forest Service

Jorie Clark
Regional Archaeologist
US Forest Service
26 Fort Missoula Rd
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 329-3654

Beaverhead/Deerlodge National Forest
Professional Archaeologist, Ayme Swartz
(406) 560-5250

South Zone Archaeologist
420 Barrett Street
Dillon, MT 59725
(406) 683-3891 

North Zone Archaeologist
1820 Meadowlark
Butte MT 59701

Bitterroot National Forest
Matthew Werle
1801 N. First Street
Hamilton, MT 59840
(406) 363-7183  |

Custer-Gallatin National Forest
5001 Southgate Dr #2
Billings, MT 59105

(406) 255-1455

East Zone Archaeologist
West Zone Archaeologist - Connie Constan

Flathead National Forest
Ryan Powell
650 Wolfpack Way
Kalispell, MT 59901

Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest

Mark Bodily
1220 38th Street North
Great Falls MT 59405

Arian Randall
Deputy Forest Archaeologist
2880 Skyway Drive
Helena MT 59602
(406) 495-3752

Kootenai National Forest
Cindy Hemry
31374 US Hwy 2
Libby MT 59923
(406) 283-7666

Libby District - Tommy Livoti
Three Rivers and Cabinet Ranger Districts - Dustin Hill

Lolo National Forest
East Zone Archaeologist
Sydney Bacon
Fort Missoula Building 24
Missoula, MT 59804
(406) 329-3853

West Zone Archaeologist
Erika Karuzas


Montana Preservation Alliance

Billings Preservation Society

Butte Citizens for Preservation and Revitalization

Conrad Mansion

Daly Mansion Preservation Trust

Humanities Montana

Montana Archaeological Society

Montana History Foundation

Museums Association of Montana

Preservation Cascade, Inc.

Preserve Historic Missoula

Western Heritage Center

Finding a professional experienced in historic preservation and who meets requirements for federal programs can be challenging. SHPO maintains the following lists to help you search for quality and qualified architects, engineers, and trades people in Montana and the surrounding area.

We recommend you make inquiries regarding professional qualifications and check references as appropriate.

Architects and Trades People (PDF)

Cultural Resource Consulting Services: History and Archaeology (PDF)

NOTE: Individuals and firms included on the following lists enrolled via a public form provided by the Montana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Inclusion on this list does not represent a certification, endorsement, recommendation, or assumption of responsibility for the work of any consultant. There is no guarantee implicit or implied that any work product produced by those on this list will meet federal or state requirements. 

Learn More About Historic Preservation and Archaeology in Montana

Multiple Property Documents (by county)

Airway Beacon System, 1934-1979 (Multiple Counties)

Black Montana's Heritage Places (Multiple Counties)

Bridges, Historic Steel Stringer and Steel Girder 1901-1961 (Multiple Counties)

Bridges, Historic Steel Truss MPD (Multiple Counties)

Bridges, Historic Timber Stringer MPD (Multiple Counties)

Bridges, Reinforced Concrete MPD (Multiple Counties)

Fire Lookouts, USFS Northern Region 1 1932-1967 MPD (Multiple Counties)

Post Offices in Montana 1900-1941 MPD (Multiple Counties)

Roadside Architecture, US Highway 2 MPD (Multiple Counties)

Whoop-Up Trail (Multiple Counties)

Mission 66 MPD 

Montana Modern: Post World War II Architectural Survey and Inventory


Hardin MPD (Big Horn Co)

Lodge Grass MPD (Big Horn Co)


Korpivarra MPD (Cascade Co)

Bridger MPD (Carbon Co)

Fromberg MPD (Carbon Co)

Joliet MPD (Carbon Co)


Glendive MPD (Dawson Co)

Anaconda MPD (Deer Lodge Co)


Kalispell 1 MPD (Flathead Co)

Kalispell 2 MPD (Flathead Co)

Lake McDonald Recreation Camps MPD (Flathead Co)

Lewistown MPD (Fergus Co)

Lewistown, Stone Buildings MPD (Fergus Co)


Bozeman MPD (Gallatin Co)

Schools, One Room in Gallatin County MPD (Gallatin Co)

West Yellowstone MRA (Gallatin Co)

Willow Creek MPD (Gallatin Co)

Glacier National Park MPD (Glacier Co)

Glacier National Park MRA (Glacier Co)

Glacier National Park Amendment MPL

Glacier National Park Architecture MRA

Glacier National Park, Settlement on North Fork Flathead River MPD (Flathead Co)


African American Heritage Places in Helena (Lewis and Clark Co)

Upper Missouri River Corridor, Archeological Resources (Lewis and Clark Co)


Pony MPD (Madison Co) 

Alberton MPD (Missoula Co)

Missoula MPD (Missoula Co)


Hamilton MPD (Ravalli Co)

Hamilton MRA (Ravalli Co)

Stevensville MPD (Ravalli Co)

Forsyth MPD (Rosebud Co)


Thompson Falls MPD (Sanders Co)

Archaeology in Sheridan County MPD (Sheridan Co)

Schools, Suburban in Butte (Silverbow Co)


Livingston Commercial District (Park Co)


Fort Peck Townsite and Dam MPD (Valley Co)

Montana Post-World War II (1945-1965) Architectural Survey and Inventory (PDF)

In celebration of our twentieth-century architectural legacy, this project identified, documented, and evaluated selected properties from Montana's post-war period, focusing on selected property and building types that represent Montana's built environment from the post-Word War II era. >> Read Now

Daphne Bugbee-Jones: Montana Modernist (YouTube)

This documentary on modernist architect, Daphne Bugbee Jones was created by Pete Brown of the Montana State Historic Preservation Office. It features University of Montana art history professor, Rafael Chacon, Ph.D., and the photography of Terry W. Greene. The video includes Bugbee Jones’s biography, her civic achievements, and describes her influences and design intent for her eight houses built in Missoula, Montana, between 1960 and 1981. It also describes the paradigm shift in design that occurred in the 20th century and flourished after World War II. High-quality photos that exhibit the homes’ interiors and exteriors are the first professional photographs of her work. >> Watch Now

More on Montana Modernism

A Curriculum for Montana Archaeology and Prehistory


Created by Sara Scott, Archaeologist, Helena & Russ Ann Sisk, Teacher, Jim Darcy Elementary School, Helena, for use by the Montana Historical Society


Introduction and Acknowledgements

How to Use This Curriculum

The Big Picture
The Pieces
Tips for Teachers and Archaeologists
Tips for Field Visits to Sites
Tips for Discoveries

Educational Guide

Arch Journals, Narratives, Vocabulary, and Arch Activities
The Montana Archaeology Education Resource Catalog
Assessment and Evaluation
Cooperative Learning
Student Products
Product List for Independent Study
Assessment and Evaluation Form

Theme 1 - Ancient Teachings in Archaeology

Theme 2 - Ancient Origins And People

Theme 3 - Ancient Technology

Theme 4 - Ancient Subsistence

Theme 5 - Ancient Shelter


SHPO's Historic Window Repair & Thermal Upgrade Handbook (PDF)

Illustrated Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings, is the definitive guide to maintaining the historic character of your building: Published by the National Park Service.

Barn Again, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and Successful Farming Magazine collaborate on this website, which is a clearinghouse for information on making historic farm buildings function in the world of modern farming.

The Historic Bridge Foundation  offers historical and technical information on bridges and has ideas to help you make the preservation of historic bridges happen.

The Montana Preservation Alliance, made up of architects, historians, and planners, this statewide non-profit works with local communities to save Montana's most endangered historic places.

The National Park Service offers information on how to preserve your building in a way that is sensitive to its historic nature.

The National Trust  is probably the most influential preservation advocacy group in the country working on the state, local, and national levels to help in preserving many of the most treasured historic places in Montana.

The Old House Journal has been a source of information on obscure handtools, technical preservation issues, and inspiration for over 20 years.

Partners for Sacred Places is a non-sectarian clearinghouse for advancing the preservation of historic religious properties.

Traditional Building Magazine offers an extensive source list of architectural reproductions.

Under construction

Under construction

Montana Historical Society:
Montana Archaeology Society:
Montana Preservation Alliance:
Montana Heritage Commission:
Country Grain Elevator Society:
Western Heritage Center:
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation:
American Cultural Resources Association:
American Institute of Architects:
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works:
American Memory:
Government Printing Office (Federal Register notices):
Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American and Engineering Record (HABS/HAER):
Historic Preservation Learning Portal:
Idaho SHPO
Library of Congress:
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions:
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers:
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training:
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers:
National Register of Historic Places:
Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits:
Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation:
Preservation Directory:
Preservation Briefs:
SHPO list:
National Transportation Enhancements Clearinghouse:
National Trust for Historic Preservation:
North Dakota SHPO:
Old-House Journal:
Preservation Action:
Renewal Alliance:
Resources and Research Tools:
Scenic America:
Society for American Archaeology:
Society for Commercial Archeology:
Sprawl Watch Clearinghouse:
Surface Transportation Policy Project:
Virginia City Montana:
Wyoming SHPO: