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Montana: Stories of the Land

Companion Website and Online Teacher's Guide


This website is designed to accompany the book Montana: Stories of the Land, written by Krys Holmes, with Sue Dailey, teacher consultant; and Dave Walter, historian (Helena: Montana Historical Society Press, 2008).

Middle School teacher Moffie Funk wrote the worksheets, tests, and answer keys that appear on this site as well as most of the questions and activities that appear at the end of each textbook chapter. She also consulted on content and design. Her understanding of pedagogy and her practical experience in the classroom markedly improved this site.

Montana Historical Society program specialist Deb Mitchell, government records archivist Karen Bjork, and technical services librarian Roberta Gebhardt took the lead in creating the Learning from Historical Document units. They were ably assisted by many other members of the Montana Historical Society Research Center staff. The Learning from Historical Document pages were made possible by a grant from Thinking through American History and administered through the Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative.

Montana Historical Society historical specialist Martha Kohl shepherded the creation of this website in her role as project manager. IT networks system administrators Chris Carson and Rennan Rieke were responsible for website development.

Although the Montana Historical Society is wholly responsible for the content of Montana: Stories of the Land and the companion website, we are grateful to the many historians, educators, and other content specialists who consulted with us on the project.

Thanks are also due to the many other generous funders who made the publication of Montana: Stories of the Land, and creation of the companion website possible. 

Textbook Cover
Front cover of the Montana: Stories of the Land history textbook
Gallating Valley Wheat Field
Gallatin Valley wheat field, photo by Albert Schlechten, Bozeman, MT, Montana Historical Society Photo Archives
Grasshopper Creek
Grasshopper Creek, photo by Rick Graetz, courtesy Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks