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Montana: Stories of the Land

Companion Website and Online Teacher's Guide

Chapter 10 - Politics and the Copper Kings, 1889-1904

The Many Names of the Anaconda Copper Company

Butte's major copper company had many names over the course of its existence. Below is a brief timeline. The "Historical Note" included in the finding aid for the Anaconda Copper Mining Company Records (housed in the Montana Historical Society Archives) offers a concise and very useful corporate history for those wishing more detail.

  • 1880 The Anaconda Gold and Silver Mining Company is formed.

  • 1891 The name changes to the Anaconda Mining Company.

  • 1895 The name changes again to Anaconda Copper Mining Company.

  • 1899 Amalgamated Copper Company is created as a holding company to consolidate the copper industry. Amalgamated owns but is not involved in the management of the various companies, which continue to operate independently.

  • 1915 Amalgamated dissolves and all of its properties become departments of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company.

  • 1955 The corporation changes its name to The Anaconda Company in recognition that its business interests extend far beyond copper.

  • 1971 The Chilean government nationalizes American-owned mines within its borders, bringing about a financial crisis for the Anaconda Company.

  • 1977 Atlantic-Richfield Company (ARCO) purchases the operation.

May Day
May Day, 1916, photo by Edward Reinig, Montana Historical Society Photo Archives PAc 74-104
Butte Miners
Butte miners, ca. 1910, Montana Historical Society Photo Archives Lot 8 Box 1/9.12