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The Great Montana History Exam

by MHS Research Historian Dave Walter

Montana's history, however short-lived, is about as diverse as is the state's topography. That diversity lends itself especially to the creation of a Montana-history quiz—a test of the reader's knowledge of Montana trivia. Again you are in the classroom, and your Montana-history instructor has delivered the mid-term exam. The pressure is minimal, however, because you have studied diligently for this occasion—whether you are a native Montanan or a recent arrival to your adopted state. Enjoy!

Take the test.

When you have completed the exam, check your answers. Scoring for this exam will not be run on a curve! Neither the numerical score nor its significance is negotiable!

Finished? Check your score.

  • 65-75 points: You are traveling downstream in Captain Clark's canoe.
  • 60-65 points: You draw a cushy cooking assignment during the portage of the Great Falls.
  • 55-60 points: You must sleep beside Charbonneau, known for his raucous snoring.
  • 50-55 points: Prickly-pears pierce your moccasins, while gigantic mosquitoes drill through your netting.
  • Below 50 points: Cruzatte mistakes you for an elk and shoots you in the butt!